On 06/30/2011 11:56 PM, Sašo Kiselkov wrote:
> On 06/30/2011 01:33 PM, Jim Klimov wrote:
>> 2011-06-30 15:22, Sašo Kiselkov пишет:
>>> I tried increasing this
>>>>> value to 2000 or 3000, but without an effect - prehaps I need to set it
>>>>> at pool mount time or in /etc/system. Could somebody with more
>>>>> knowledge
>>>>> of these internals please chime in?
>> And about this part - it was my understanding and experience
>> (from SXCE) that these values can be set at run-time and are
>> used as soon as set (or maybe in a few TXGs - but visibly in
>> real-time).
>> Also I've seen instant result from setting the TXG sync times
>> on oi_148a with little loads (in my thread about trying to
>> account for some 2Mb writes to my root pool) - this could be
>> 2Mb/s or 0.2Mb/s (all in 2Mb bursts though) depending on TXG
>> timeout currently set value.
> Hm, it appears I'll have to do some reboots and more extensive testing.
> I tried tuning various settings and then returned everything back to the
> defaults. Yet, now I can ramp the number of concurrent output streams to
> ~170 instead of the original 95 (even then the pool still has capacity
> left, I'm actually running out of CPU power). The txg commit occurs at
> roughly every 15 (or so) seconds, which is what I wanted. Strange that
> this occurs even after I returned everything to the defaults... I'll try
> doing some more testing on this once I move the production deployment to
> a different system and I'll have more time to experiment with this
> machine. Anyways, thanks for the suggestions, it helped a lot.
> Regards,
> --
> Saso

Just a follow correction: one parameter was indeed changed:
zfs_write_limit_inflated. In the source it's set to zero, I've set it to

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