On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:49:27PM -0700, David W. Smith wrote:
> # /home/dws# zpool import
>   pool: tank
>     id: 13155614069147461689
>  state: FAULTED
> status: The pool metadata is corrupted.
> action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.
>    see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-72
> config:
>         tank         FAULTED  corrupted data
>         logs
>           mirror-6   ONLINE
>             c9t57d0  ONLINE
>             c9t58d0  ONLINE
>           mirror-7   ONLINE
>             c9t59d0  ONLINE
>             c9t60d0  ONLINE
> Is there something else I can do to see what is wrong.

Can you tell us more about the setup, in particular the drivers and
hardware on the path?  There may be labelling, block size, offset or
even bad drivers or other issues getting in the way, preventing ZFS
from doing what should otherwise be expected to work.   Was there
something else in the storage stack on the old OS, like a different
volume manager or some multipathing?

Can you show us the zfs labels with zdb -l /dev/foo ?

Does import -F get any further?

> Original attempt when specifying the name resulted in:
> # /home/dws# zpool import tank
> cannot import 'tank': I/O error

Some kind of underlying driver problem odour here.


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