> From: Richard Elling [mailto:richard.ell...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2011 9:10 PM
> > Instant Poll : Yes/No ?
> No.
> Methinks the MRU/MFU balance algorithm adjustment is more fruitful.

Operating under the assumption that cache hits can be predicted, I agree
with RE.  However, that's not always the case, and if you have a random work
load with enough ram to hold the whole DDT, but you don't have enough ram to
hold your whole storage pool, then dedup hurts your performance
dramatically.  Your only option is to set primarycache=metadata, and simply
give up hope that you could *ever* have a userdata cache hit.

The purpose for starting this thread is to suggest it might be worthwhile
(particularly with dedup enabled) to at least have the *option* of always
keeping the metadata in cache, but still allow userdata to be cached too, up
to the size of c_max.  Just in case you might ever see a userdata cache hit.

And as long as we're taking a moment to think outside the box, it might as
well be suggested that this doesn't have to be a binary decision,
all-or-nothing.  One way to implement such an idea would be to assign a
relative weight to metadata versus userdata.  Dan and Roch suggested a value
of 128x seems appropriate.  I'm sure some people would suggest infinite
metadata weight (which is synonymous to the aforementioned
primarycache=metadata, plus the ability to cache userdata in the remaining
unused ARC space.)

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