Thanks for the input.

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Richard Elling
<> wrote:
> On May 28, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>>> From: [mailto:zfs-discuss-
>>>] On Behalf Of Brian
>>> I have a raidz2 pool with one disk that seems to be going bad, several
>> errors
>>> are noted in iostat.  I have an RMA for the drive, however - no I am
>>> wondering how I proceed.  I need to send the drive in and then they will
>>> send me one back.  If I had the drive on hand, I could do a zpool replace.
>>> Do I do a zpool offline? zpool detach?
>>> Once I get the drive back and put it in the same drive bay..  Is it just a
>> zpool
>>> replace <device>?
>> Just guessing you don't have hotswap drive bays, because you don't have an
>> advance replacement warranty on your hardware.  ;-)  Which means you're
>> going to have to shutdown anyway.  So:
>> I would zpool export.  That will ensure drives are all stopped.
>> Then I would make the faulted drive blink.  Something like:
>> while true ; do dd if=/dev/rdsk/baddisk of=/dev/null bs=1024k count=8000 ;
>> sleep 1 ; done
>> Make a note of which drive is the bad drive.
>> Shutdown.
>> Remove it.
>> Boot up again.
>> zpool import -a
>> Now you will see the removed drive appearing as "offline" or whatever status
>> is most helpful.
> Yuck.  What an ugly procedure :-(
> zpool offline is a better method.
Just zpool offline <pool> <bad disk>?
> Identifying the location of the drive is OS, OS rev, and hardware dependent.
> Some OSes are easier than others. For example in NexentaStor, the device
> serial numbers are readily displayed, so you can verify the serial number of
> the disk. MacOS also provides easy access to the disk serial number for
> verification.
I have all the disks labelled and got the serial number using prtconf.
  But I will double check before I ship it off :-)

> When the new disk arrives, do the zpool replace.

Ok, I guess there are two scenarios I will encounter.
(1) When I put the new drive in it will have the same name, then its
just zpool replace <tank_name> <drive_name>
(2) It has a different name.  zpool replace <tank_name> <old_drive>
<new_drive>.   Is there any problem with #2 if the old device is gone?

> A detailed method for doing this on Solaris is in the ZFS Admin Guide.
  I took a look at that, but still had questions. Thanks!
>  -- richard
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