On May 25, 2011 7:15 AM, "Garrett D&apos;Amore" <garr...@nexenta.com> wrote:
> You are welcome to your beliefs.   There are many groups that do standards
that do not meet in public.  [...]


> [...] In fact, I can't think of any standards bodies that *do* hold open

I can: the IETF, for example.  All business of the IETF is transacted or
confirmed on open participation mailing lists, and IETF meetings are known
as NOTE WELL meetings because of the notice given at their opening regarding
the fact that meeting is public and resulting considerations regarding,
e.g., trade secrets.

Mind you, there are many more standards setting organizations that don't
have open participation, such as OASIS, ISO, and so on.  I don't begrudge
you starting closed, our even staying closed, though I would prefer that at
least the output of any ZFS standards org be open.  Also, I would recommend
that you eventually consider creating a new open participation list for
non-members (separate from any members-only list).

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