I've finally returned to this dedup testing project, trying to get a handle
on why performance is so terrible.  At the moment I'm re-running tests and
monitoring memory_throttle_count, to see if maybe that's what's causing the
limit.  But while that's in progress and I'm still thinking...


I assume the DDT tree must be stored on disk, in the regular pool, and each
entry is stored independently from each other entry, right?  So whenever
you're performing new unique writes, that means you're creating new entries
in the tree, and every so often the tree will need to rebalance itself.  By
any chance, are DDT entry creation treated as sync writes?  If so, that
could be hurting me.  For every new unique block written, there might be a
significant amount of small random writes taking place that are necessary to
support the actual data write.  Anyone have any knowledge to share along
these lines?



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