On Feb 27, 2011, at 9:18 AM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:

>> I can live with that-- but I really want to know what (real, not virtual)
>> controllers disks are connected to; I want to build 3 8-disk RAIDz2 vdevs
>> now (with room for a fourth for expansion later) and I really want to make
>> sure each of those vdevs has fewer than three disks per controller so
>> a single controller failure can degrade my vdevs but not kill them.
> I cannot but agree. On Linux and Windoze (haven't tested FreeBSD), drives 
> connected to an LSI9211 show up in the correct order, but not on 
> OI/osol/S11ex (IIRC), and fmtopo doesn't always show a mapping between device 
> name and slot, since that relies on the SES hardware being properly 
> supported. The answer I've got for this issue is, it's not an issue, since 
> it's that way by design etc. This doesn't make sense when Linux/Windows show 
> the drives in the correct order. IMHO this looks more like a design flaw in 
> the driver code

lsiutil can help. The question is whether the physical labels or silkscreen 
the "slot" as reported by lsiutil.
 -- richard

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