On 2/7/2011 1:10 PM, Yi Zhang wrote:
This is actually what I did for 2.a) in my original post. My concern
there is that ZFS' internal write buffering makes it hard to get a
grip on my application's behavior. I want to present my application's
"raw" I/O performance without too much outside factors... UFS plus
directio gives me exactly (or close to) that but ZFS doesn't...

Of course, in the final deployment, it would be great to be able to
take advantage of ZFS' advanced features such as I/O optimization.
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And, there's your answer. You seem to care about doing "bare-metal" I/O for tuning of your application, so you can do consistent measurements. Not for actual usage in production.

Therefore, do what's inferred in the above: develop your app, using it on UFS w/directio to work out the application issues and tune. When you deploy it, use ZFS and its caching techniques to get maximum (though not absolutely consistently measurable) performance for the already-tuned app.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA

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