Thanks Richard for the prompt response.

But second time same commands creates dir3 too.

I mean to say, as I said earlier, first time it gives the mounting error and
does not create dir3

*# zfs create -p tank/dir1/dir2/dir3*
*cannot mount '/tank/dir1/dir2': directory is not empty*

but if I issue the same command again(just after the above error ), it
creates the dir3. After that "zfs list" shows dir3 but "df -h" still does
not show dir2 as mounted.

*# zfs create -p tank/dir1/dir2/dir3*
***# zfs list|grep tank*
***tank                  290K   228G    33K  /tank*
***tank/dir1              95K   228G    32K  /tank/dir1*
***tank/dir1/dir2         63K   228G    32K  /tank/dir1/dir2*
***tank/dir1/dir2/dir3    31K   228G    31K  /tank/dir1/dir2/dir3*

*     # df -h|grep tank*
*     tank                  229G   33K  229G   1% /tank*
*     tank/dir1             229G   34K  229G   1% /tank/dir1*
*     tank/dir1/dir2/dir3   229G   31K  229G   1% /tank/dir1/dir2/dir3*
*     #*

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Richard Elling <>wrote:

> comment below...
> On Jan 24, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Rahul Deb wrote:
> I have a pool "tank" and "dir1" is the filesystem on that pool. "zfs list"
> and "df -h" both shows "tank/dir1" mounted.
> *-----------------------------------------------------*
> *# zfs list*
> *tank                  124K   228G    32K  /tank*
> *tank/dir1              31K   228G    31K  /tank/dir1*
> *#*
> *
> *
> *# df -h*
> *tank                  229G   32K  229G   1% /tank*
> *tank/dir1             229G   31K  229G   1% /tank/dir1*
> *#*
> *-----------------------------------------------------*
> After that I created a directory "dir2" with mkdir command under /tank/dir1
> and touch couple of files inside dir2
> *-------------------*
> *# cd /tank/dir1*
> *# mkdir dir2*
> *# cd dir2*
> *# touch file1 file2*
> *-------------------*
> Now if I try to create zfs filesystem named "dir2/dir3" under "tank/dir1",
> it gives the following message. Though I am using -p flag, it only creates
> filesystem until tank/dir1/dir2 but not dir3 and also "df -h" does not show
> "/tank/dir1/dir2" as mounted.
> *# zfs create -p tank/dir1/dir2/dir3*
> *cannot mount '/tank/dir1/dir2': directory is not empty*
> *#*
> *
> *
> *# zfs list*
> *tank                  250K   228G    33K  /tank*
> *tank/dir1              63K   228G    32K  /tank/dir1*
> *tank/dir1/dir2         31K   228G    31K  /tank/dir1/dir2*
> *#*
> Is it a normal behaviour?
> Yes.
> With the -p option, ZFS will create:
> /tank/dir1/dir2
> when that succeeds, it will try and create:
> /tank/dir1/dir2/dir3
> The creation of /tank/dir1/dir2 file system succeeds, as you note.
> But the mounting of that file system fails because the /tank/dir1/dir2
> directory contains files. Therefore the /tank/dir1/dir2/dir3 file system
> is not created.
>  -- richard
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