> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Pawel Jakub Dawidek
> Dedupditto doesn't work exactly that way. You can have at most 3 copies
> of your block. Dedupditto minimal value is 100. The first copy is
> created on first write, the second copy is created on dedupditto
> references and the third copy is created on 'dedupditto * dedupditto'
> references. So once you reach 10000 references of your block ZFS will
> create three physical copies, not earlier and never more than three.

What is the point of dedupditto?  If there is a block on disk, especially on
a pool with redundancy so it can safely be assumed good now and for the
future...   Why store the multiples?  Even if it is a maximum of 3, I
presently only see the sense in a maximum of 1.

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