Great question. In "good enough" computing, beauty is in the eye of the 
beholder. My home NAS appliance uses IDE and SATA drives withoutba dedicated ZIL

"if HDDs and commodity SSDs continue to be target ZIL devices, ZFS could and 
should do more to ensure that writes are sequential."

On 23 Dec 2010, at 10:25, Stephan Budach <> wrote:

> Hi,
> as I have learned from the discussion about which SSD to use as ZIL drives, I 
> stumbled across this article, that discusses short stroking for increasing 
> IOPs on SAS and SATA drives:
> Now, I am wondering if using a mirror of such 15k SAS drives would be a 
> good-enough fit for a ZIL on a zpool that is mainly used for file services 
> via AFP and SMB.
> I'd particulary like to know, if someone has already used such a solution and 
> how it has worked out.
> Cheers,
> budy
>  -- 
> Stephan Budach
> Jung von Matt/it-services GmbH
> Glashüttenstraße 79
> 20357 Hamburg
> Tel: +49 40-4321-1353
> Fax: +49 40-4321-1114
> E-Mail:
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> Geschäftsführer: Ulrich Pallas, Frank Wilhelm
> AG HH HRB 98380
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