> It's generally a simple thing, but requires pulling the SSD  from the
> server, connecting it to either a Linux or Windows box, running 
> the reformatter, then replacing the SSD.  Which, is a PITA.

This procedure is more commonly known as a "Secure Erase".  And it 
will return a Flash based SSD to it's original or "new" performance.

But as demonstrated in my presentation comparing Flash to DRAM 
based SSDs for ZIL accelerator applicability, the most dramatic write 
IOPS degradation occurs in less than 10 minutes of sustained use.

For reference:  http://www.ddrdrive.com/zil_accelerator.pdf

So for the tested devices (OCZ Vertex 2 EX / Vertex 2 Pro) to come 
close to matching the vendor promised random write IOPS, one 
would have to remove the log device from the pool and Secure Erase 
after every ~10 minutes of sustained ZIL use.

Would having to perform a Secure Erase every hour, day, or even 
week really be the most cost effective use of an administrators time?

Best regards,

Christopher George
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