On Dec 20, 2010, at 4:19 PM, Edward Ned Harvey 
<opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensola...@nedharvey.com> wrote:

>> From: Erik Trimble [mailto:erik.trim...@oracle.com]
>> We can either (a) change how ZFS does resilvering or (b) repack the
>> zpool layouts to avoid the problem in the first place.
>> In case (a), my vote would be to seriously increase the number of
>> in-flight resilver slabs, AND allow for out-of-time-order slab
>> resilvering.  
> Question for any clueful person:
> Suppose you have a mirror to resilver, made of disk1 and disk2, where disk2
> failed and is resilvering.  If you have an algorithm to create a list of all
> the used blocks of disk1 in disk order, then you're able to resilver the
> mirror extremely fast, because all the reads will be sequential in nature,
> plus you get to skip past all the unused space.

Sounds like the definition of random access :-) 

> Now suppose you have a raidz with 3 disks (disk1, disk2, disk3, where disk3
> is resilvering).  You find some way of ordering all the used blocks of
> disk1...  Which means disk1 will be able to read in optimal order and speed.

Sounds like prefetching :-)

> Does that necessarily imply disk2 will also work well?  Does the on-disk
> order of blocks of disk1 necessarily match the order of blocks on disk2?

This is an interesting question, that will become more interesting
as the physical sector size gets bigger...
 -- richard

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