On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Don Jackson <don.jack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> # zfs send -R naspool/open...@xfer-11292010 | zfs receive -Fv  npool/openbsd
> receiving full stream of naspool/open...@xfer-11292010 into 
> npool/open...@xfer-11292010
> received 23.5GB stream in 883 seconds (27.3MB/sec)
> cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination has snapshots (eg. 
> npool/open...@xfer-11292010)
> must destroy them to overwrite it
> What am I doing wrong?  What is the proper way to accomplish my goal here?

Try using the -d option to zfs receive.  The ability to do "zfs send
-R ... | zfs receive [without -d]" was added relatively recently, and
you may be encountering a bug that is specific to receiving a send of
a whole pool.

> And I have a follow up question:
> I had to snapshot the source zpool filesystems in order to zfs send them.
> Once they are received on the new zpool, I really don't need nor want this 
> "snapshot" on the receiving side.
> Is it OK to zfs destroy that snapshot?

Yes, that will work just fine.  If you delete the snapshot you will
not be able to receive any incremental streams starting from that
snapshot, but you may not care about that.

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