Right, I realized it was Magny not Mangy, but I thought it was related to the
race track or racing not a town.
I completely agree with you on codenames, the Linux distro codename irk me -
hey, guys it might be easy for you to keep track of which release is "Bushy
Beaver" or "Itchy Ibis" or "Mayonnaise" but if you deal with many products
like I do, it would be a blessing to get just a sane pattern of increasing
numbers or number-2_or_3_letters or something that gives a clue to where this
X falls within the spectrum of the Y product lifetime and if I am wishing - a
_dedicated_ web page that lists each release with a freaking date (I have a
long separate rant about how tech articles don't seem to include dates and
production version numbers of the products that they are writing about) and a
short blurb about what changed.
On 10/30/10 8:02 PM, Erik Trimble wrote:
On 10/30/2010 7:07 PM, zfs user wrote:
I did it deliberately - how dumb are these product managers that they name
products with weird names and not expect them to be abused? On the other
hand, if you do a search for mangy cours you'll find a bunch of hits where
it is clearly a misspelling on serious tech articles, postings, etc.
"I am seeing some spotty performance with my new Mangy Cours CPU"...
It is like they are asking for it. I think they be better off doing
something like Intel core arch names using city names "Santa Rosa", etc.
On 10/30/10 3:49 PM, Eugen Leitl wrote:
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 02:10:49PM -0700, zfs user wrote:
1 Mangy-Cours CPU
Dunno whether deliberate, or malapropism, but I love it.
First off, it's "Magny Cours", not "Mangy Cours". Though, to an
English-speaker, the letter reversal (and mispronunciation) come easily.
AMD does use City names. Just not American ones. Magny-Cours is a place in
France (near a well-known Formula One circuit). So far as I can tell, their
(recent) platform names seem to be English nouns, and the CPU architectures
European ones.
But who knows how people think of codenames. Frankly, I get really annoyed
with Intel's penchance to put a codename on every little last thing, and
change them at the drop of a hat. I get Intel pre-production hardware here,
and there's a half-dozen codenames on each server. Makes keeping track of
what's what a nightmare.
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