Greetings, First off, I'm new to this and don't quite understand what I'm doing.
I would like different groups in my workplace to have their own folders. I would like each file and folder underneath the parent folders to inherit the ACL and group ownership of the directory.
I'm using ACL's in Ubuntu (ext4) right now and having the problem when someone copies a file from their personal flash drive (People take work home at night and bring it back in the morning) to the drive with ACL's it doesn't inherit the ACL's. SetGID is setting the proper group id though, so this is working.
I've used cp in gnome-termimal and drag-n-drop w/ Gnome's filemanager, Nautilus, both have the same effect.
When a file is created in the folder, it works great, all the ACL's and ownership is perfect.
I'm wondering if I move to ZFS (Opensolaris or Indiana or something ZFS compatible) and use the ACL's in this operating system will it work in the manner I'm anticipating? ie files inherit ACL's no matter if they are created in the folder or copied to the folder, the ACL is the same.
Am I headed the wrong direction? I need some hand-holding. Thank you, -Andy _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list