'Edward Ned Harvey' wrote:
I have a Dell R710 which has been flaky for some time. It crashes
about once per week. I have literally replaced every piece of hardware
in it, and reinstalled Sol 10u9 fresh and clean.
I am wondering if other people out there are using Dell hardware, with
what degree of success, and in what configuration?
We are running (Open)Solaris on lots of 10g servers (PE2900, PE1950, PE2950,
R905) and some 11g (R610 and soon some R815) with both PERC and non-PERC
controllers and lots of MD1000's.
The 10g models are stable - especially the R905's are real workhorses.
We have had only one 11g server (R610) which caused trouble. The box
froze at least once a week - after replacing almost the entire box I
switched from the old iscsitgt to COMSTAR and the box has been stable
since. Go figure ...
I might add that none of these machine use the onboard Broadcom nic's.
The failure seems to be related to the perc 6i. For some period around
the time of crash, the system still responds to ping, and anything
currently in memory or running from remote storage continues to
function fine. But new processes that require the local storage
... Such as inbound ssh etc, or even physical login at the console
... those are all hosed. And eventually the system stops responding to
ping. As soon as the problem starts, the only recourse is power cycle.
I can't seem to reproduce the problem reliably, but it does happen
regularly. Yesterday it happened several times in one day, but
sometimes it will go 2 weeks without a problem.
Again, just wondering what other people are using, and experiencing.
To see if any more clues can be found to identify the cause.
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Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
Henrik Johansen
Tlf. 75 53 35 00
ScanNet Group
A/S ScanNet
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