I have a 20Tb pool on a mount point that is made up of 42 disks from an EMC 
SAN. We were running out of space and down to 40Gb left (loading 8Gb/day) and 
have not received disk for our SAN. Using df -h results in:
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
pool1                    20T    20T    55G   100%    /pool1
pool2                   9.1T   8.0T   497G    95%    /pool2
The idea was to temporarily move a group of big directories to another zfs pool 
that had space available and link from the old location to the new.
cp   –r   /pool1/000    /pool2/
mv   /pool1/000   /pool1/000d
ln   –s   /pool2/000    /pool1/000    
rm   –rf   /pool1/000   
Using df -h after the relocation results in:
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
pool1                    20T    19T    15G   100%    /pool1
pool2                   9.1T   8.3T   221G    98%    /pool2
Using zpool list says:
pool1     19.9T    19.6T  333G     98%
pool2     9.25T    8.89T  369G     96%
Using zfs get all pool1 produces:
NAME  PROPERTY            VALUE                  SOURCE
pool1  type                filesystem             -
pool1  creation            Tue Dec 18 11:37 2007  -
pool1  used                19.6T                  -
pool1  available           15.3G                  -
pool1  referenced          19.5T                  -
pool1  compressratio       1.00x                  -
pool1  mounted             yes                    -
pool1  quota               none                   default
pool1  reservation         none                   default
pool1  recordsize          128K                   default
pool1  mountpoint          /pool1                  default
pool1  sharenfs            on                     local
pool1  checksum            on                     default
pool1  compression         off                    default
pool1  atime               on                     default
pool1  devices             on                     default
pool1  exec                on                     default
pool1  setuid              on                     default
pool1  readonly            off                    default
pool1  zoned               off                    default
pool1  snapdir             hidden                 default
pool1  aclmode             groupmask              default
pool1  aclinherit          secure                 default
pool1  canmount            on                     default
pool1  shareiscsi          off                    default
pool1  xattr               on                     default
pool1  replication:locked  true                   local
Has anyone experienced this or know where to look for a solution to recovering 
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