On 15 sept. 2010, at 22:04, Mike Mackovitch wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:08:20PM -0700, Nabil wrote:
>> any resolution to this issue?  I'm experiencing the same annoying
>> lockd thing with mac osx 10.6 clients.  I am at pool ver 14, fs ver
>> 3.  Would somehow going back to the earlier 8/2 setup make things
>> better?
> As noted in the earlier thread, the "annoying lockd thing" is not a
> ZFS issue, but rather a networking issue.
> FWIW, I never saw a resolution.  But the suggestions for how to debug
> situations like this still stand:

And for reference, I have a number of 10.6 clients using NFS for sharing Fusion 
virtual machines, iTunes library, iPhoto libraries etc. without any issues.


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