I recently created a test zpool (RAIDZ) on some iSCSI shares.  I made a few 
test directories and files.  When I do a listing, I see something I've never 
seen before:

[r...@hostname anewdir] # ls -la
total 6160
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     other          4 Sep 14 14:16 .
drwxr-xr-x   4 root     root           5 Sep 14 15:04 ..
-rw------T   1 root     other    2097152 Sep 14 14:16 barfile1
-rw------T   1 root     other    1048576 Sep 14 14:16 foofile1

I looked up the "T" bit in the man page for ls, and it says that "T" means  
"The 1000 bit is turned on, and execution is off (undefined bit-state)."  Which 
is as clear as mud.

I've googled around a lot but still can't find any real info about what this 
menas.  I've been doing unix for a long time and have never seen it.  Can 
anyone explain, or at least tell me if I should worry?

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