> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Dr. Martin
> Mundschenk
> <m.mundsch...@me.com> wrote:
> > Well, I wonder what are the components to build a
> stable system without having an enterprise solution:
> eSATA, USB, FireWire, FibreChannel?
> If possible to get a card to fit into a MacMini,
> eSATA would be a lot
> better than USB or FireWire.
> If there's any way to run cables from inside the
> case, you can "make
> do" with plain SATA and longer cables.
> Otherwise, you'll need to look into something other
> than a MacMini for
> your storage box.

If bandwidth is a concern, consider these "napkin estimates":

A bare 7200rpm SATA drive will typically get 60 MB/s
SATA II is 300 MB/s
Gigabit ethernet 60 MB/s
100Mbit 11.4 MB/s
USB 2.0 is 30 MB/s
Firewire 400 35 MB/s
Firewire 800 55 MB/s
I usually see 17 MB/s max on an external USB 2.0 drive.

For 300 GB, the USB will take at best 5.5 hrs.  SATA will be 1.5 hrs.
If you have more then one process at a time hitting the drive, your speeds go 
through the floor.  For home use, that may be ok.  For a business, not so much.
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