On 09 August, 2010 - David Dyer-Bennet sent me these 1,2K bytes:

> If I have a directory with a bazillion files in it (or, let's say, a
> directory subtree full of raw camera images, about 15MB each, totalling
> say 50GB) on a ZFS filesystem, and take daily snapshots of it (without
> altering it), the snapshots use almost no extra space, I know.
> If I now rename that directory, and take another snapshot, what happens? 
> Do I get two copies of the unchanged data now, or does everything still
> reference the same original data (file content)?  Seems like the new
> directory tree contains the "same old files", same inodes and so forth, so
> it shouldn't be duplicating the data as I understand it; is that correct?

The files hasn't changed, unless you rename the directory by creating a
new, copy stuff over and remove the old.

The only change is the name of the directory.

> This would, obviously, be fairly easy to test; and, if I removed the
> snapshots afterward, wouldn't take space permanently (have to make sure
> that the scheduler doesn't do one of my permanent snapshots during the
> test).  But I'm interested in the theoretical answer in any case.

Tomas Ögren, st...@acc.umu.se, http://www.acc.umu.se/~stric/
|- Student at Computing Science, University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {cs,acc}.umu.se
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