> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Peter Taps
> A few companies have already backed out of zfs
> as they cannot afford to go through a lawsuit. 

Or, in the case of Apple, who could definitely afford a lawsuit, but choose
to avoid it anyway.

> I am in a stealth
> startup company and we rely on zfs for our application. The future of
> our company, and many other businesses, depends on what happens to zfs.

For a lot of purposes, ZFS is the clear best solution.  But maybe you're not
necessarily in one of those situations?  Perhaps you could use Microsoft
VSS, or Linux BTRFS?

'Course, by all rights, those are copy-on-write too.  So why doesn't netapp
have a lawsuit against kernel.org, or microsoft?  Maybe cuz they just know
they'll damage their own business too much by suing Linus, and they can't
afford to go up against MS.  I guess.

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