
I finally got the new drive and I am in the process of moving the data. The 
problem I have now is that I can't mount the NTFS partition. I followed the 
directions here:

and tried both methods, but the problem is that when I run fdisk on the ntfs 
drive, it does not detect the partitions. In all the tutorials, fdisk is used 
to identify the partition with ntfs and then it is mounted.

I currently have 4 drives, 1 OS drive and 3 identical 1.5TB WD drives. As a 
test I booted parted magic from a live USB and gparted correctly identified the 
ntfs partition. It also correctly identified the other 3 drives as ZFS 
partitions. I was also able to mount the ntfs drive and browse it. However, 
when I run gparted in opensolaris, it does not show any partitions, it only 
shows a single unallocated partition.

I have attached a file with the output from various useful commands, anyone 
know what I'm doing wrong?

Note: I know the tank zpool is made of c6d0 and c6d1, so c7d0 must be the ntfs 

This message posted from opensolaris.org
---------------------------------------------Output of 
media...@mediaman-server:~/Downloads# format
       0. c5d0 <DEFAULT cyl 14943 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
       1. c6d0 <WDC WD15-  WD-WMAVU147779-0001-1.36TB>
       2. c6d1 <WDC WD15-  WD-WCAVU044889-0001-1.36TB>
       3. c7d0 <WDC WD15-  WD-WMAVU144166-0001-1.36TB>

format> current
Current Disk = c7d0
<WDC WD15-  WD-WMAVU144166-0001-1.36TB>

format> partiion
`partiion' is not expected.
format> partition

        0      - change `0' partition
        1      - change `1' partition
        2      - change `2' partition
        3      - change `3' partition
        4      - change `4' partition
        5      - change `5' partition
        6      - change `6' partition
        expand - expand label to use whole disk
        select - select a predefined table
        modify - modify a predefined partition table
        name   - name the current table
        print  - display the current table
        label  - write partition map and label to the disk
        !<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return
partition> print
Current partition table (original):
Total disk sectors available: 2930260750 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part      Tag    Flag     First Sector          Size          Last Sector
  0          -    wm                34       128.00MB           262177    
  1          -    wm            264192         1.36TB           2929686527    
  2 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  3 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  4 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  5 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  6 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0 

---------------------------------------------Output of 
media...@mediaman-server:~/Downloads# fdisk /dev/rdsk/c7d0

             Total disk size is 60800 cylinders
             Cylinder size is 48195 (512 byte) blocks

      Partition   Status    Type          Start   End   Length    %
      =========   ======    ============  =====   ===   ======   ===
          1                 EFI               0  60799    60800    100

   1. Create a partition
   2. Specify the active partition
   3. Delete a partition
   4. Change between Solaris and Solaris2 Partition IDs
   5. Edit/View extended partitions
   6. Exit (update disk configuration and exit)
   7. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration)
Enter Selection: 7

---------------------------------------------------------------Output of 
media...@mediaman-server:~/Downloads# mount -F ntfs /dev/dsk/c7d0p1 /ntfs
Could not open the disk/image /dev/dsk/c7d0p1.

media...@mediaman-server:~/Downloads# mount -F ntfs /dev/dsk/c7d0p0 /ntfs
This is not an NTFS disk/image.
media...@mediaman-server:~/Downloads# mount -F ntfs /dev/dsk/c7d0 /ntfs
This is not an NTFS disk/image.

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