I am sorry you feel that way.  I will look at your issue as soon as I am able, 
but I should say that it is almost certain that whatever the problem is, it 
probably is inherited from OpenSolaris and the build of NCP you were testing 
was indeed not the final release so some issues are not entirely surprising.

  - Garrett

Tim Cook <t...@cook.ms> wrote:

>On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Richard Elling <rich...@nexenta.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 2, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Steve Radich, BitShop, Inc. wrote:
>> > I see in NexentaStor's announcement of Community Edition 3.0.3 they
>> mention some backported patches in this release.
>> Yes.  These patches are in the code tree, currently at b143 (~18 weeks
>> newer than b134)
>> > Aside from their management features / UI what is the core OS difference
>> if we move to Nexenta from OpenSolaris b134?
>> You're not stuck at b134 for ZFS anymore ;-)
>> > These DeDup bugs are my main frustration - if a staff member does a rm *
>> in a directory with dedup you can take down the whole storage server - all
>> with 1% cpu load and relatively little disk i/o due to DeDup DDT not fitting
>> in the SSD + RAM (l2arc+arc). This is rediculous, something must be single
>> threaded and it can't be that difficult to at least allow reads from other
>> files.. Writes perhaps are more complex - But in our case the "other files"
>> don't even have DeDup enabled on them and they can't be read.
>> Some are fixed, more are in the upstream development queue.
>> > It seems like some of these bugs have been fixed but Oracle hasn't
>> published a new build - Perhaps we should be updating to newer builds, I
>> haven't invested much time in seeking these out but b134 is the latest
>> "obvious" build I see. Am I just not RTFM enough on finding new builds?
>> No, what you see is what you get.  After the CIC there hasn't been a
>> binary release from Oracle, just source releases.  I read this as saying
>> the community should build their own distros. In a quick look at
>> http://www.genunix.org it appears that Nexenta and EON are the only
>> distro releases since early March.  Rich Lowe has released a b142
>> tarball, too, but does that qualify as a distro?
>> > I hate to move to Nexenta, I would think in the future Oracle will
>> maintain this better than a third party and don't want to switch back and
>> forth.
>> I understand, but if actions speak louder than words, then consider joining
>> the Nexenta core platform community at http://www.nexenta.org
>> But don't forget to stay up to date with ZFS on zfs-discuss :-)
>>  -- richard
>> --
>> Richard Elling
>> rich...@nexenta.com   +1-760-896-4422
>> ZFS and NexentaStor training, Rotterdam, July 13-15, 2010
>> http://nexenta-rotterdam.eventbrite.com/
>Given that the most basic of functionality was broken in Nexenta, and not
>Opensolaris, and I couldn't get a single response, I have a hard time
>recommending ANYONE go to Nexenta.  It's great they're employing you now,
>but the community edition has an extremely long way to go before it comes
>close to touching the community that still hangs around here, despite
>Oracle's lack of care and feeding.
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