Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
- mirroring l2arc won't gain anything, as it doesn't contain any
information that cannot be rebuilt if a device is lost. Further, if a
device is lost,
the system just uses the remaining devices. So I wouldn't waste any
space mirroring l2arc, I'll just stripe them.
I don't plan to attempt to mirror L2ARC. Even the docs say it's unsupported, so
no point of that.
Oops, makes sense ;)
- For slog you need SSD with supercap which are significantly more
expensive than without. I'll try the OCZ Vertex 2 Pro in the next few
days and can
give a report how it performs. For L2ARC cheap MLC SSDs will do.
hm... Last I checked those OCZ Vertexes were on the both large and expensive
side. What do you pay for a couple of small ones? We'll be installing 48 gigs
of memory in this box, but I doubt we'll need more than 4GB SLOG in terms of
50GB for 400 Euro. They are MLC flash, but, as someone in a different
thread pointed out, they have 3 years warranty ;) My hope is that they
last long enough until cheaper options become available. My major concern
is that if I buy two identical models they'll break the same day. This
is not purely hypothetical. If they internally just count the write cycles
and trigger a SMART fail if a certain threshold is reached, exactly this
will happen.
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