> From: zfs-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:zfs-discuss-
> boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Bob Friesenhahn
> It is good to keep in mind that only small writes go to the dedicated
> slog.  Large writes to to main store.  A succession of that many small
> writes (to fill RAM/2) is highly unlikely.  Also, that the zil is not
> read back unless the system is improperly shut down.

Can anyone verify this?  I thought the decision for small vs large sync
writes to go to log vs main store was determined by zfs_immediate_write_sz
and logbias.

logbias was introduced in snv_122, which is zpool 18 or 19.
zfs_immediate_write_sz seems to have been around forever (I see comments
about it as early as 2006).

Then again, I can't seem to find my zfs_immediate_write_sz, via either zpool
or zfs.  Can anybody say what version zpool introduced
zfs_immediate_write_sz, or perhaps I'm using the wrong commands to try and
see mine?  zpool get all rpool | grep zfs_immediate_write_sz ; zfs get all
rpool | grep zfs_immediate_write_sz

I thought, if you didn't explicitly tune these, all sync writes go to ZIL
before the main store.  Can't seem to find any way to verify this.

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