> Tom, > > If you freshly installed the root pool, then those > devices > should be okay so that wasn't a good test. The other > pools > should remain unaffected by the install, and I hope, > from > the power failure.
Yes. I was able to import them and have since exported them. > > We've seen device info get messed up during a power > failure, > which is why I asked. Yep. Gotta cover the basics. > > If you don't have dedup enabled on data3, then the > memory > should be okay, but increasing memory has helped > others in > the past. Its just a suggestion. I'm not sure I didn't have dedup enabled. I might have. As it happens, the system rebooted and is now in single user mode. I'm trying another import. Most services are not running which should free ram. If it crashes again, I'll try the live CD while I see about more RAM. -- This message posted from opensolaris.org _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss