For the record, with my driver (which is not the same as the one shipped
by the vendor), I was getting over 150K IOPS with a single DDRdrive X1.
It is possible to get very high IOPS with Solaris. However, it might be
difficult to get such high numbers with systems based on SCSI/SCSA.
(SCSA does have assumptions which make it "overweight" for typical
simple flash based devices.)
My solution was based around the "blkdev" device driver that I
integrated into ON a couple of builds ago.
-- Garrett
On 06/10/10 12:57, Andrey Kuzmin wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Arne Jansen <
<>> wrote:
Andrey Kuzmin wrote:
As to your results, it sounds almost too good to be true. As
Bob has pointed out, h/w design targeted hundreds IOPS, and it
was hard to believe it can scale 100x. Fantastic.
Hundreds IOPS is not quite true, even with hard drives. I just tested
a Hitachi 15k drive and it handles 67000 512 byte linear write/s,
Linear? May be sequential?
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Robert Milkowski
< <>
< <>>> wrote:
On 21/10/2009 03:54, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
I would be interested to know how many IOPS an OS like
is able to push through a single device interface. The
driver stack is likely limited as to how many IOPS it can
sustain for a given LUN since the driver stack is
optimized for
high latency devices like disk drives. If you are
creating a
driver stack, the design decisions you make when
requests will
be satisfied in about 12ms would be much different than if
requests are satisfied in 50us. Limitations of existing
software stacks are likely reasons why Sun is designing
with more device interfaces and more independent devices.
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