frank+lists/ said:
> Well in that case it's invalid to compare against Netapp since they can't do
> it either (seems to be the consensus on this list).  Neither zfs nor Netapp
> (nor any product) is really designed to handle adding one drive at a time.
> Normally you have to add an entire shelf, and if you're doing that it's
> better to add a new vdev to your pool. 

This is incorrect (and another poster has pointed this out).  NetApp can
add a single drive (or more) to a raid-group, and has been able to do so
since before they had dual-parity, aggregates, flex-vols, and rebalancing.

BTW, the rebalance after growing an aggregate is not automatic (as of
OnTAP-7.3 anyway).  You invoke a command manually on each volume that
you care about, and the rebalance runs in the background until finished.



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