Giovanni Tirloni <gtirloni <at>> writes:
> The chassis has 4 columns of 6 disks. The 18 disks I was testing were
> all on columns #1 #2 #3.

Good, so this confirms my estimations. I know you said the current
~810 MB/s are amply sufficient for your needs. Spreading the 18 drives
across all 4 port multipliers could give you ~972 MB/s. But know that by 
*removing* 2 drives from the pool you could reach an even higher ~1080
MB/s, because the striped pool is bottlenecked by the slower drives on the
congested 3Gbps links, so you are under-using the non-congested 3Gbps 
links. A 4+4+4+4 config (4 drives on each 3Gbps link, 16 total) would give
300MB/s * 90% / 4 = 67.5 MB/s per drive, times 16 drives = 1080 MB/s. To
sum up this thread (your current config is b):

(a) 18 drives, HBA in the PCIe 1.0 slot, regardless of PMP config -> 600 MB/s
(b) 18 drives, using only 3 PMP (6+6+6+0 config) -> 810 MB/s
(c) 18 drives, spread across all 4 PMPs (5+5+4+4 config) -> 972 MB/s
(d) 16 drives, more efficient use of all links (4+4+4+4 config) -> 1080 MB/s


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