Jan Hellevik wrote:
Yes, I can try to do that. I do not have any more of this brand of disk, but I 
guess that does not matter. It will have to wait until tomorrow (I have an 
appointment in a few minutes, and it is getting late here in Norway), but I 
will try first thing tomorrow. I guess a pool on a single drive will do the 
trick? I can create the log as a partition on yet another drive just as I did 
with the SSD (do not want to mess with it just yet). Thanks for helping!

In this case the specific brand and model of drive probably does not matter.

The most accurate test will be to setup a test pool as similar as possible to the damaged pool, i.e. a 4 disk RAIDZ1 with a log on a partition of a 5th disk.

A single drive pool might do the trick for testing, but it has no redundancy. The smallest pool with redundancy is a mirror, thus the suggestion to use a mirror. If you have enough spare/small/old drives that are compatible with the second controller, use them to model your damaged pool. For this test it doesn't really matter if these are 4 gb or 40 gb or 400 gb drives.

Try the following things in order. Keep a copy of the terminal commands you use and the command responses you get.

1.) Wipe (e.g. dban/dd/zero wipe) disks that will make up the test pool, and create the test pool. Copy some test data to the pool, like an OpenSolaris ISO file. Try migrating the disks to the second controller the same way you did with your damaged pool. Use the exact same steps in the same order. See your notes/earlier posts while doing this to make sure you remember them exactly. If that works (a forced import will likely be needed), then you might have had a one time error, or hard to reproduce error, or maybe did a minor step slightly differently from how you remembered doing it with the damaged pool.
If that fails, then you may have a repeatable test case.

2.) Wipe (e.g. dban/dd/zero wipe) disks that made up the test pool, and recreate the test pool. Copy some test data to the pool, like an OpenSolaris ISO file. Try migrating the disks the recommended way, using export, powering everything off, and then import. If that works (without needed a forced import), then skipping the export was likely a trigger. If that fails, it seems like the second controller is doing something to the disks. Look at the controller BIOS settings for something relevant and see if there are any firmware updates available.

3.) If you have a third (different model) controller (or a another computer running the same Solaris version with a different controller), repeat step 2 with it. If step 2 failed but this works, that's more evidence the second controller is up to something.

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