----- "Jason Barr" <forum4...@arcor.de> skrev:

> Hi,
> something like this
> Disk #        Slice 1 Slice 2
> 1             raid5           raid0
> 2             raid5           raid0
> 3             raid5           raid0
> I want to have some fast scratch space (raid0) and some protected
> (raidz)

Should be doable - make sure the raid0 is on the first slice, though - drives 
have more sectors on the outer cylinders than on the inner ones, and are 
therefore fastest at the "beginning" of the drive. The difference is about 1:2 
comparing outer rim and inner, although space-wise, the curve is not linear, 
since most of the data is stored in the outer parts (due to more sectors per 
cylinder there).

Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det er 
et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
relevante synonymer på norsk.
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