----- "Brian" <broco...@vt.edu> skrev:

> (1) They seem to have a firmware setting (that may not be modified
> depending on revision) that has to do with the drive "parking" the
> drive after 8 seconds of inactivity to save power.  These drives are
> rated for a certain number of park/unpark operations -- I think
> 300,000.  Using these drives in a NAS results in a lot of
> park/unpark.

8 seconds? is it really that low?

> (2) They are big and slow.  This seems to be a very bad combination
> for RAIDZ(n).  I have seen people report resilvering times of 2 to 4
> days.  I am not sure how much that impact performance.  But that can
> be a long time to run in a degraded state for some people.  I don't
> know how the resilvering process works - so I don't know if it is a
> ZFS issue or not..  Regardless of the drive speed it seems like more
> than 2 days to write 1 to 2 TB worth of data is ridiculous - but no
> one seems to complain that it is ZFS's fault - so there must be a lot
> involved in resilvering that I don't understand.  I think that small
> and slow would be OK - if you had 500GB green drives you might be
> fine..  But people tend to look at the green drives because they have
> so much capacity for the money - so I haven't seen anyone say that a
> Green 500GB drives work well.

We have a green array of 3x7 2TB drives in raidz2 (27TiB), almost full, and it 
takes some two and a half days to scrub it. Does anyone have scrub times for 
similar setups with, say, Black drives?

> (3) They seem to have a lot of platters..  3 or 4.  More platters ==
> more heat == more failure... apparently.

I somehow doubt Black drives have less platters

Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
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