On 2010-May-02 04:06:41 +0800, Diogo Franco <diogomfra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>regular data corruption and then the box locked up. I had also
>converted the pool to v14 a few days before, so the freebsd v13 tools
>couldn't do anything to help.

Note that ZFS v14 was imported to FreeBSD 8-stable in mid-January.
I can't comment whether it would be able to recover your data.

On 2010-May-02 05:07:17 +0800, Bill Sommerfeld <bill.sommerf...@oracle.com> 
>  2) the labels are not at the start of what solaris sees as p1, and 
>thus are somewhere else on the disk.  I'd look more closely at how 
>freebsd computes the start of the partition or slice '/dev/ad6s1d'
>that contains the pool.
>I think #2 is somewhat more likely.

This is almost certainly the problem.  ad6s1 may be the same as c5d0p1
but OpenSolaris isn't going to understand the FreeBSD partition label
on that slice.  All I can suggest is to (temporarily) change the disk
slicing so that there is a fdisk slice that matches ad6s1d.

Peter Jeremy

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