On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 7:42 AM, Cindy Swearingen
<cindy.swearin...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I don't think LU cares that the disks in the new pool are smaller,
> obviously they need to be large enough to contain the BE.

It doesn't look like OpenSolaris includes LU, at least on x86-64.
Anyhow, wouldn't the method you mention fail because zfs would use the
wront partition table for booting?

basestar:~$ lucreate
-bash: lucreate: command not found
bh...@basestar:~$ man lucreate
No manual entry for lucreate.
bh...@basestar:~$ pkgsearch lucreate
-bash: pkgsearch: command not found
bh...@basestar:~$ pkg search lucreate
bh...@basestar:~$ pkg search SUNWluu

I think I remember someone posting a method to copy the boot drive's
layout with prtvtoc and fmthard, but I don't remember the exact


Brandon High : bh...@freaks.com
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