Will Murnane <will.murn...@gmail.com> writes:

> It's important to consider what you want this data for.  Considering
> upgrading your storage to get more room?  Check out "zpool list".
> Need to know whether accounting or engineering is using more space?
> Look at "zfs list".  Looking at a sparse or compressed file, and want
> to know how many bytes are allocated to it?  "du" does the trick.
> Planning to email someone a file, and want to know if it'll fit in
> their 10MB quota?  "ls -l" is the relevant command.
> In short, there are many commands because there are many answers, and
> many questions.  No single tool has all the information available to
> it.

I'm still confused, sorry I thought I got it for a minute there.

I'm seeing a really big (to big to be excused lightly) difference with
the 2 zfs native methods  zpool and rpool
compared to 2 native unix methods, du and /bin/df

I'm seeing 100s of GB in use, that /bin/df... doesn't know about, and
du cannot find.

Something isn't adding up here:

  zpool list

  rpool   466G  50.7G   415G    10%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
  z2      464G   366G  97.9G    78%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
  z3      696G   124G   572G    17%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
You see z2 shows 366G allocated and 97.9 free

  zfs list -r z2

  NAME                                USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
  z2                                  366G  90.7G    19K  /z2
  z2/pub                             4.98G  90.7G  4.97G  /pub
  z2/rhosts                           326G  90.7G    22K  /rhosts
  z2/rhosts/imgs                      299G  90.7G    23K  /rhosts/imgs
  z2/rhosts/imgs/bjp                 83.6G  90.7G  28.4G  /rhosts/imgs/bjp
  z2/rhosts/imgs/harvey               150G  90.7G  17.6G  /rhosts/imgs/harvey
  z2/rhosts/imgs/harvey/ImagesMusic   132G  90.7G  28.3G  
  z2/rhosts/imgs/mob1                65.9G  90.7G  27.3G  /rhosts/imgs/mob1
  z2/rhosts/misc                     27.1G  90.7G    23K  /rhosts/misc
  z2/rhosts/misc/bjp                   20K  90.7G    20K  /rhosts/misc/bjp
  z2/rhosts/misc/harvey              27.1G  90.7G  27.1G  /rhosts/misc/harvey
  z2/rhosts/misc/mob1                  20K  90.7G    20K  /rhosts/misc/mob1
  z2/win                             34.8G  90.7G  34.6G  /win

You see  366G Used and 90.7G Available

  /bin/df -h 

  z2/pub                 457G   5.0G    91G     6%    /pub
  z2/rhosts              457G    22K    91G     1%    /rhosts
  z2/rhosts/imgs         457G    23K    91G     1%    /rhosts/imgs
  z2/rhosts/imgs/bjp     457G    28G    91G    24%    /rhosts/imgs/bjp
  z2/rhosts/imgs/harvey   457G    18G    91G    17%    /rhosts/imgs/harvey
  z2/rhosts/imgs/harvey/ImagesMusic   457G    28G    91G    24%    
  z2/rhosts/imgs/mob1    457G    27G    91G    24%    /rhosts/imgs/mob1
  z2/rhosts/misc         457G    23K    91G     1%    /rhosts/misc
  z2/rhosts/misc/bjp     457G    20K    91G     1%    /rhosts/misc/bjp
  z2/rhosts/misc/harvey   457G    27G    91G    24%    /rhosts/misc/harvey
  z2/rhosts/misc/mob1    457G    20K    91G     1%    /rhosts/misc/mob1
  z2/win                 457G    35G    91G    28%    /win
  z2                     457G    19K    91G     1%    /z2

Looks similar, but look again.  If you add up the `used' column
(column 3) it only adds up to - 163 GB 127 KB

  du -sh /pub /win /rhosts
  5.0G    /pub
  35G     /win
  129G    /rhosts

du almost agrees with /bin/df

But both du and /bin/df are around 200G smaller than either zpool or
zfs list.

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