On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 8:55 PM, Brad <bene...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I had always thought that with mpxio, it load-balances IO request across
> your storage ports but this article
> http://christianbilien.wordpress.com/2007/03/23/storage-array-bottlenecks/has 
> got me thinking its not true.
> "The available bandwidth is 2 or 4Gb/s (200 or 400MB/s – FC frames are 10
> bytes long -) per port. As load balancing software (Powerpath, MPXIO, DMP,
> etc.) are most of the times used both for redundancy and load balancing,
> I/Os coming from a host can take advantage of an aggregated bandwidth of two
> ports. However, reads can use only one path, but writes are duplicated, i.e.
> a host write ends up as one write on each host port. "
> Is this true?
> --

I have no idea what MPIO stack he's talking about, but I've never heard
anything operating like he's talking about.  Writes aren't "duplicated on
each port".  The path a read OR write goes down depends on the host-side
mpio stack, and how you have it configured to load-balance.  It could be
simple round-robin, it could be based on queue depth, it could be most
recently used, etc. etc.

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