On Apr 1, 2010, at 9:41 PM, Abdullah Al-Dahlawi wrote:

> Hi all
> I ran a workload that reads & writes within 10 files each file is 256M, ie,  
> (10 * 256M = 2.5GB total Dataset Size).
> I have set the ARC max size to 1 GB  on  etc/system file
> In the worse case, let us assume that the whole dataset is hot, meaning my 
> workingset size= 2.5GB    
> My SSD flash size = 8GB and being used for L2ARC
> No slog is used in the pool
> My File system record size = 8K , meaning 2.5% of 8GB is used for L2ARC 
> Directory in ARC. which ultimately mean that available ARC is 1024M - 204.8M 
> = 819.2M Available ARC  (Am I Right ?)

this is worst case

> Now the Question ...
> After running the workload for 75 minutes, I have noticed that L2ARC device 
> has grown to 6 GB !!!!!!!   ????

You're not interpreting the values properly, see below.

> What is in L2ARC beyond my 2.5GB Workingset ?? something else is has been 
> added to L2ARC !!!!

ZFS is COW, so modified data is written to disk and the L2ARC.

> Here is a 5 minute interval of Zpool iostat 

> Also, a FULL  Kstat ZFS for 5 minutes Interval

> module: zfs                             instance: 0     
> name:   arcstats                        class:    misc
>     c                               1073741824
>     c_max                           1073741824

Max ARC size is limited to 1GB

>     c_min                           134217728
>     crtime                          28.083178473
>     data_size                       955407360
>     deleted                         966956
>     demand_data_hits                843880
>     demand_data_misses              452182
>     demand_metadata_hits            68572
>     demand_metadata_misses          5737
>     evict_skip                      82548
>     hash_chain_max                  18
>     hash_chains                     61732
>     hash_collisions                 1444874
>     hash_elements                   329553
>     hash_elements_max               329561
>     hdr_size                        46553328
>     hits                            978241
>     l2_abort_lowmem                 0
>     l2_cksum_bad                    0
>     l2_evict_lock_retry             0
>     l2_evict_reading                0
>     l2_feeds                        4738
>     l2_free_on_write                184
>     l2_hdr_size                     17024784

size of L2ARC headers is approximately 17MB

>     l2_hits                         252839
>     l2_io_error                     0
>     l2_misses                       203767
>     l2_read_bytes                   2071482368
>     l2_rw_clash                     13
>     l2_size                         2632226304

currently, there is approximately 2.5GB in the L2ARC

>     l2_write_bytes                  6486009344

total amount of data written to L2ARC since boot is 6+ GB

>     l2_writes_done                  4127
>     l2_writes_error                 0
>     l2_writes_hdr_miss              21
>     l2_writes_sent                  4127
>     memory_throttle_count           0
>     mfu_ghost_hits                  120524
>     mfu_hits                        500516
>     misses                          468227
>     mru_ghost_hits                  61398
>     mru_hits                        412112
>     mutex_miss                      511
>     other_size                      56325712
>     p                               775528448
>     prefetch_data_hits              50804
>     prefetch_data_misses            7819
>     prefetch_metadata_hits          14985
>     prefetch_metadata_misses        2489
>     recycle_miss                    13096
>     size                            1073830768

ARC size is 1GB

The best way to understand these in detail is to look at the source which 
is nicely commented. L2ARC design is commented near

 -- richard

ZFS storage and performance consulting at http://www.RichardElling.com
ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
Las Vegas, April 29-30, 2010 http://nexenta-vegas.eventbrite.com 

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