Hi all,

I recently had to install the Adaptec AAC driver in a Opensolaris
system, and given the fact that i had to do a couple of steps, i might
as well share them , and hopefully someone will benefit it.

So here goes :

1 - The adaptec AAC driver is needed when we have drives configured as
JBOD in adaptec raid HBA
2 - Get the proper driver from adaptec website
3 - create a clone of the existing environment with the command :

    * beadm create opensolaris_aacdriver

4 -  mount the new envirnoment under some directory like (mnt/aacdriver)

    * beadm mount opensolaris_aacdriver /mnt/aacdriver

5 - remove the opensolaris acc driver from the new environment

    * pkg -R /mnt/aacdriver uninstall aac storage-server (storage-server
      in my case was a dependency pac
    * kage)

6 - extract the previous downloaded adaptec driver, say to
/tmp/adaptec_aac, and install it

    * pkgadd -R /mnt/aacdriver  -d aac.pkg

7 - unmount the new boot environment

    * beadm unmount -f opensolaris_aacdriver

8 - active the new boot environment

    * beadm activate opensolaris_aacdriver

9 - reboot ;)

    * reboot -p

I tested this with a Adapatec 52445 - (Kernel Build 17544)


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