On Mar 26, 2010, at 9:26 PM, Richard Elling wrote:

> On Mar 25, 2010, at 7:25 PM, antst wrote:
>> I have two storages, both on snv133. Both filled with 1TB drives.
>> 1) stripe over two raidz vdevs, 7 disks in each. In total avalable size is 
>> (7-1)*2=12TB
>> 2) zfs pool over HW raid, also 12TB.
>> Both storages keeps the same data with minor differences. First pool keeps 
>> 24 hourly snapshots + 7 daily snapshots. Second one (backup) keeps only 
>> daily snapshots, but for longer period (2 weeks for now).
> Good idea :-)

Probably I'm lucky, but we never had real problems with storage, which would 
require to restore it from backups, but I've found that regularly users want to 
recover one of their files in state it had couple of month ago.
Thus, de facto, primary role of our backup storage is to keep daily decrements 
(originally with rsync) for months :)
Clearly, ZFS snapshots are much more elegant, fast and comfortable solution for 
this task :)

>> But for first one, 2TB is missing somehow, sum of USED and avail is 10.6 TB.
> Correct.  To understand this, please see the ZFS FAQ:
> http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+zfs/faq#HWhydoesntthespacethatisreportedbythezpoollistcommandandthezfslistcommandmatch

Yep. I already figured out myself, that I mixed again marketing and real 

My secondary storage has 12 real terabytes. And primary made of 14 marketing 
terabytes, which slightly more than 12.6 real :) Then it become clear 

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