On Mar 26, 2010, at 4:46 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>> What does everyone thing about that? I bet it is not as mature as on
>> OpenSolaris.
> "mature" is not the right term in this case.  FreeBSD has been around much
> longer than opensolaris, and it's equally if not more mature.

Bill Joy might take offense to this statement.  Both FreeBSD and Solaris trace
their roots to the work done at Berkeley 30 years ago. Both have evolved in
different ways at different rates. Since Solaris targets the enterprise market,
I will claim that Solaris is proven in that space. OpenSolaris is just one of 
next steps forward for Solaris.
 -- richard

ZFS storage and performance consulting at http://www.RichardElling.com
ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
Las Vegas, April 29-30, 2010 http://nexenta-vegas.eventbrite.com 

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