On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:51:25AM -0700, Marion Hakanson wrote:
> rvandol...@esri.com said:
> > We have a Silicon Mechanics server with a SuperMicro X8DT3-F (Rev 1.02)
> > (onboard LSI 1068E (firmware and a SuperMicro SAS-846EL1 (Rev
> > 1.1) backplane. 
> > . . .
> > The system is fully patched Solaris 10 U8, and the mpt driver is
> > version 1.92:
> Since you're running on Solaris-10 (and its mpt driver), have you tried
> the firmware that Sun recommends for their own 1068E-based HBA's?  There
> are a couple of versions depending on your usage, but they're all earlier
> revs than the you have:
>       http://www.lsi.com/support/sun/sg_xpci8sas_e_sRoHS.html

No, I haven't.  Looks like something that would be worthwhile to try.

Thanks for the suggestion,

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