Hi all,

Yet another question regarding raidz configuration..

Assuming a system with 24 disks available ,  having in mind reliability
as the crucial factor , secondary the usable space and finally
performance would be the last criteria, what would be the preferable
configuration ?

Should it be :

    * A - 7 raidz2 groups with 3 disks each and 3 disks as hot-spares
    * B - 3 raidz2 groups with 7 disks each and 3 disks as hot-spares
    * C - 5 raidz2 groups with 4 disks each and 4 disks as hot-spares
    * D - 4 raidz2 groups with 5 disks each and 4 disks as hot-spares
    * E - other? ;)

Thanks for all your attention,

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