> > zfs set reservation=100GB dataset/name
> >
> > That will reserve 100 GB of space for the dataset, and will make that
> > space unavailable to the rest of the pool.
> That doesn't make any sense to me ...
> How does that allow "subversionuser" to use the space, and block
> "joeuser" from using it?

Oh - I get it - In the case of subversion server, it's pretty safe to assume
all the "svnuser" files are under a specific subdirectory (or a manageably
finite number of directories) and therefore could use a separate zfs
filesystem within the same pool, and therefore that directory or directories
could have a space reservation.

I think that will be sufficient for our immediate needs.  Thanks for the

Out of curiosity, the more general solution would be the ability to create a
reservation on a per-user or per-group basis (just like you create quotas on
a per-user or per-group basis).  Is this possible?

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