Geoff wrote:
Thanks for your review!  My SiI3114 isn't recognizing drives in Opensolaris so 
I've been looking for a replacement.  This card seems perfect so I ordered one 
last night.  Can anyone recommend a cheap 3 x 5.25 ---> 5 3.5 enclosure I could 
use with this card?  The extra ports necessitate more drives, obviously :)
You may need to replace the "RAID" bios with the "IDE" bios, for the Sil3114.

Get the flash tool, plus the "IDE BIOS" download, and flash that to your card. It should then work well, and provide OpenSolaris with what it really wants - a JBOD controller, rather than a sort-kinda-fake-Raid controller.

That said, the LSI-based HBA really is the thing you want. It's nice.  :-)

I've moved to 7200RPM 2.5" laptop drives over 3.5" drives, for a combination of reasons: lower-power, better performance than a comparable sized 3.5" drives, and generally lower-capacities meaning resilver times are smaller. They're a bit more $/GB, but not a lot. If you can stomach the extra cost (they run $220), I'd actually recommend getting a 8x2.5" in 2x5.25" enclosure from Supermicro. It works nicely, plus it gives you a nice little place to put your SSD. :-)

Other than that, I've had good luck with the Venus series for 3.5" Hotswap drives:

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
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