On 20.03.2010 20:53, Giovanni Tirloni wrote:
On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Svein Skogen <sv...@stillbilde.net
<mailto:sv...@stillbilde.net>> wrote:
    We all know that data corruption may happen, even on the most
    reliable of hardware. That's why zfs har pool scrubbing.

    Could we introduce a zpool option (as in zpool set <optionname>
    <pool>) for "scrub period", in "number of hours" (with 0 being no
    automatic scrubbing).

    I see several modern raidcontrollers (such as the LSI Megaraid MFI
    line) has such features (called "patrol reads") already built into
    them. Why should zfs have the same? Having the zpool automagically
    handling this (probably a good thing to default it on 168 hours or
    one week) would also mean that the scrubbing feature is independent
    from cron, and since scrub already has lower priority than ...
    actual work, it really shouldn't annoy anybody (except those having
    their server under their bed).

    Of course I'm more than willing to stand corrected if someone can
    tell me where this is already implemented, or why it's not needed.
    Proper flames over this should start with a "warning, flame" header,
    so I can don my asbestos longjohns. ;)

That would add unnecessary code to the ZFS layer for something that cron
can handle in one line.
It would add some code, but it could quite possibly reside in the same 
area that already handles automatic rebuilds (for hotspares). The reason 
I'm thinking it belongs there, is that ZFS has a rather good counter at 
"how many hours of runtime", while cron only has knowledge about wall time.
Someone could hack zfs.c to automatically handle editing the crontab but
I don't know if it's worth the effort.
This would be a possible workaround, but there are ... several 
implementations of cron out there with more than one syntax...
Are you worried that cron will fail or is it just an aesthetic requirement ?
No, I'm thinking more in the lines of "zfs could be ported to pure 
storage boxes that don't really need a lot of other daemons running" 
(ZFS and cronstar with a decent management frontend would beat a _LOT_ 
of the cheap NAS/SAN boxes out there). Besides, I don't like "relying on 
external software" for filesystem-services. ;)  (And you can call that 
aesthetic if you like)


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