On 03/18/10 11:09 AM, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
On 03/17/10 14:03, Ian Collins wrote:
I ran a scrub on a Solaris 10 update 8 system yesterday and it is 100%
done, but not complete:

   scrub: scrub in progress for 23h57m, 100.00% done, 0h0m to go
If blocks that have already been visited are freed and new blocks are allocated, the seen:allocated ratio is no longer an accurate estimate of how much more work is needed to complete the scrub.

Before the scrub prefetch code went in, I would routinely see scrubs last 75 hours which had claimed to be "100.00% done" for over a day.

Interesting comparison, yesterday's scrub counted down from about 25 hours to go, today's is reporting:

scrub: scrub in progress for 7h36m, 15.86% done, 40h22m to go

Not much has changed in the pool over night.


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