On Mar 9, 2010, at 6:13 PM, Damon Atkins wrote:

> Sorry, Full Stripe on a RaidZ is the recordsize ie if the record size is 128k 
> on a RaidZ and its made up of 5 disks, then 128k is spread across 4 disks 
> with the calc parity on the 5 disk, which means the writes are 32k to each 
> disk.

> For a RaidZ, when data is written to a disk, are individual 32k join together 
> to the same disk and written out as a single I/O to the disk?

I/Os can be coalesced, but there is no restriction as to what can be coalesced.
In other words, subsequent writes can also be coalesced if they are contiguous.

> e.g. 128k for file a, 128k for file b, 128k for file c.   When written out 
> does zfs do
> 32k+32k+32k i/o to each disk, or will it do one 96k i/o if the space is 
> available sequentially?

I'm not sure how one could write one 96KB physical I/O to three different disks?
 -- richard

ZFS storage and performance consulting at http://www.RichardElling.com
ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
http://nexenta-atlanta.eventbrite.com (March 16-18, 2010)

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