This is purely tactical, to avoid l2arc write penalty on eviction. You seem
to have missed the very next paragraph:

   3644  * 2. The L2ARC attempts to cache data from the ARC before it
is evicted.   3645  * It does this by periodically scanning buffers
from the eviction-end of   3646  * the MFU and MRU ARC lists, copying
them to the L2ARC devices if they are   3647  * not already there.


On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Henrik Johansson <> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Mar 5, 2010, at 10:46 AM, Abdullah Al-Dahlawi wrote:
> Greeting All
> I have create a pool that consists oh a hard disk and a ssd as a cache
> zpool create hdd c11t0d0p3
> zpool add hdd cache c8t0d0p0     - cache device
> I ran an OLTP bench mark to emulate a DMBS
> One I ran the benchmark, the pool started create the database file on the
> ssd cache device ???????????
> can any one explain why this happening ?
> is not L2ARC is used to absorb the evicted data from ARC ?
> No, it is not. if we look in the source there is a very good description of
> the L2ARC behavior:
> "1. There is no eviction path from the ARC to the L2ARC.  Evictions
> from the ARC behave as usual, freeing buffers and placing headers on
> ghost lists.  The ARC does not send buffers to the L2ARC during eviction
> as this would add inflated write latencies for all ARC memory pressure."
> Regards
>  Henrik
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